
How often should I do pilates?

I get asked this question pretty frequently, especially from new clients joining the studio. I don't feel there's an easy answer that fits for every individual. Here's a few factors worth considering to help you figure out an answer that works for you: Time Most of us...

I thought I’d never do this exercise again

This pilates exercise is called the Rollover. Back when I was first training as a pilates mat teacher 12 years ago, I could do this movement easily on the mat with no props. It's one of the really dynamic pilates exercises that is so exciting to be able to do, and I...

What A Pilates Teacher “should” look like

UPDATE: This blog was originally published in 2017. I decided that it was worth re-sharing in 2023 as this is still a relevant topic 🙂 My own mindset has developed a great deal since I wrote this, but I still have bad days of course. Being more in the public eye with...

I thought I’d never do this exercise again

This pilates exercise is called the Rollover. Back when I was first training as a pilates mat teacher 12 years ago, I could do this movement easily on the mat with no props. It's one of the really dynamic pilates exercises that is so exciting to be able to do, and I...

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What A Pilates Teacher “should” look like

UPDATE: This blog was originally published in 2017. I decided that it was worth re-sharing in 2023 as this is still a relevant topic 🙂 My own mindset has developed a great deal since I wrote this, but I still have bad days of course. Being more in the public eye with...

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Is Pilates “Gentle”?

I have been having some feedback lately from a few newer clients about how “gentle” pilates is. I'm glad they are finding it a gentle form of exercise, because that makes it appealing especially in the beginning, but I think there’s a bit of a misunderstanding of what...

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Things I Learned in 2022, Part 3

Things I Learned in 2022, Part 3

My cat, Gordie (Note: this is the third in a series of blogs reflecting on what I learned in my recent Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training certification. You can see the first installment here.) Lesson 3: The use of excessive force for breath work (among other...

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Things I’ve learned in 2022, Part 2

Things I’ve learned in 2022, Part 2

(Note: this is the second in a series of blogs reflecting on what I learned in my recent Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training certification. You can see the first installment here.) Props are for supporting better movement, not just for "challenge" Here's the thing...

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Things I’ve Learned in 2022, Part 1

Things I’ve Learned in 2022, Part 1

So I took the last 10 months out of my life to throw myself completely into the study of Pilates. What a luxury! I'm so grateful I had this opportunity. It wouldn't have happened without the support of my family. It takes a village to raise a child, and the same is...

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Message from a Dream

Message from a Dream

I woke up the other day after having, well, a powerful dream. In this dream I was teaching a new class, with new people in what looked like your typical living room. There were only 3 people in the class- no sweat really, for me, after having taught for so many years....

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Strong in Heart

Strong in Heart

My 5 year old son on the playground My son is now 5 years old, and he achieves amazing feats of strength every day. He's incredibly proud of himself when he swings on the monkey bars and pulls himself up with one hand. He has some incredible physical skills for his...

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